11 Small Habits that Will Earn You Respect

a special feature from Kay Ziplow & Leslie Zinberg, founders

R-e-s-p-e-c-t who sang it better than Aretha Franklin? Okay, maybe Tina Turner’s rendition. But truth be told, no matter who sang it- the words of the song are important to the very fabric of our being. Respect is an ideology that resonates into every part of our lives. Respect is a coveted part of our being – a consideration and appreciation for one’s self and of others. It is manifested first in our personal make-up which is reflected by our actions and reactions. Respect is a learned and skilled behavior and mental exercise that we hope to weave into our totality as a human and functional being.
Here’s 11 small habits to exercise in order to earn your respect:

  • Be authentic, don’t just agree
  • Speak with confidence, clarity, and slow down so others can understand you
  • Show genuine interest to others, be present
  • Stay calm, embrace your natural confidence and trust yourself
  • Lighten up, enjoy each moment
  • Take up space, occupy your presence, and own it
  • Discuss challenging topics, speak your truth
  • Listen without interrupting
  • Be present, avoid overthinking and projecting unnecessary comparisons
  • Don’t resist criticism, stay composed, think first, act second
  • Focus in the process of life, not just the immediate outcomes

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