How You Can Master The Art of Grandparenting


Many people mistakingly think that grandparenting does not require education. They seem to believe that being a grandparent is as simple as falling off a log. I’m here to tell the world that just isn’t true.

“…if you aren’t innovative and up-to-date, you could ruin a good thing.”

To be a grandparent only requires that your child have a child, and voilà…you’re a grandparent. But that’s only where the adventure begins, and if you aren’t innovative and up-to-date, you could ruin a good thing.

Yes, loving and hugging that new baby is critical, but today’s parents expect much more of their parents, and we want to rise to the occasion, right?

Today’s parents are very different from previous generations of parents. They look everything up on the internet and think they know it all…and many of them come close. So, they expect their parents (the grandparents) to be on top of all the latest information and best practices.

Grandparents who cling to how they did things or how their grandparents did things are destined to failure and frustration and at serious risk of harming their relationship with their children (the parents). If you don’t believe me, check out Dr. Joshua Coleman, who counsels estranged and alienated parents. His business is booming, and one of the reasons is that grandparents don’t make a big enough effort to meet the expectations of today’s parents. Of course, there are other reasons for alienation and estrangement, such as drug abuse, mental illness, etc., which can’t be fixed as quickly as taking a fun online course.

First, we highly recommend starting with a subscription to GRAND Magazine – just click on this link –, and you’ll be set to enjoy being part of the GRAND community.

Then, if you want to get down to the real business of grandparenting and avoid the risk of botching one of the most joyful stages of your life, we recommend you check out the Master Classes offered by Grandparents Academy. 

You can learn everything you’ll need to know and then some.

By spending a little time enjoying one or more of these classes you will be ahead of the game and avoid the pain. 

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.


Grandparents Academy was founded in 2011 by Aaron Larsen to honor his grandparents, is the world’s first online academy dedicated to helping grandparents grow meaningful relationships and rich legacies with their loved ones. Our resources, which include guides, videos, and social posts, have reached millions of grandparents.

Happy Grandparenting~



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